What is GPS Monitoring?

GPS monitoring (Global Positioning System) requires an individual to wear an ankle bracelet that allows Case Managers to track that individuals movements and location. GPS is like RF technology, inasmuch when the individual comes within the range of a set area, GPS notifies the monitoring center. Community corrections agencies use GPS to monitor and track:

  • Probation
  • Parole
  • Day release program participants
  • Individuals on pre-trial release

GPS is a highly accurate technology which has been used in court-ordered monitoring for law enforcement uses since the mid-1970’s.  It is most often used in place of RF based monitoring for house arrest in Indiana.

GPS monitoring

Requirements of GPS Monitoring

The requirements of GPS monitoring are as follows:

  • The ankle bracelet must be worn at all times
  • GPS coordinates will be periodically sent to your Case Manager
  • Once a specific geographic area has been crossed, then an alert will occur
  • An individual being monitored will require permission to:
    • Work
    • Shop
    • Visit the doctor
    • Attend school
    • Attend religious services

GPS Monitoring Eligibility

Surprising enough, there are a number of crimes and offenses that allow an offender to serve time or be eligible for GPS monitoring under the umbrella of Community Corrections. There are certain mitigating factors that must be taken into consideration to determine eligibility for GPS monitoring. Those mitigating factors are as follows:

  • Non-violent offense – e.g.. White collar crime
  • Not a danger to the community
  • Have a medical condition (can work in your favor)
  • No history of violating conditions of probation or parole
  • Currently gainfully employed

There are certain individuals, those who have either been convicted of, or accused of a crime of a sexual or violent nature, like the consequences of an Indiana rape conviction, can expect some form of GPS monitoring as a condition of parole, probation or release.

gps base unit

Are You Qualified for GPS Monitoring?

GPS monitoring is a much preferred alternative to either a jail or prison sentence. If you or a family member have been charged with a crime, GPS monitoring in addition to a reduced bail in Indianapolis could be an option. Every criminal case is different, so it is a good reason to hire a criminal defense attorney and have a conversation regarding the specifics of your case.